Spring Oats
A unique species that grows very quickly after planting (typically ready for grazing after 45-55 days or for hay in 65-70 days), spring oats tolerate wet areas more than most winter annuals and help with root-knot nematode suppression. Plant this high yield, high-quality forage in the fall (Sept-Oct) or late winter (Feb-Mar). Fall planted oats provide forage at a time where we need it most, late fall and early winter. Spring oats can also be planted in late winter for quick spring grazing, baleage production, and even dry hay. Winter kill is an issue if temperatures reach the teens for several days. Consider planting spring oats with a cold-tolerant annual to ensure ground cover.
Canmore Spring Oats
Order NowCanmore is a medium maturity variety with good standability—a great choice for straw production.
Everleaf 126 Spring Oats
Order NowEverleaf 126 is the latest maturing spring oat variety. It has the greatest chance at winter survival and highest potential for total season yield.
Reeves Spring Oats
Order NowReeves is an early maturing, quick out of the gate variety with good rust resistance.