
Olympia Orchardgrass


Olympia is a cool season perennial bunchgrass with high yields, high quality and it is a very persistent variety developed at the University of GA by Dr. Joe Bouton. Olympia was selected under grazing pressure to increase durability and persistence insuring a long stand life. Best suited for moderately well-drained soils, it works extremely well in mixtures with legumes. It will tolerate some shade and is more heat and drought tolerant than perennial ryegrass, timothy or bluegrass but less than tall fescue.

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Planting Instructions

Best suited to moderately well-drained to excessively drained soils and does well in mixtures with legumes such as alfalfa, red and white clover. Orchardgrass will not tolerate wet soils or prolonged flooding. Orchardgrass is tolerant of shade and more tolerant of heat and drought than perennial ryegrass, timothy, or Kentucky bluegrass, but less so than tall fescue.

Seeding Rate:15-20 lbs/A
Seeding Depth:1/4" to 1/2"