Ray's Crazy Fall Mix


Legumes (and species-specific bacteria) have the incredible ability to take nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into a plant usable form. Reduce your nitrogen inputs long term by including a legume in your cover crop!

  • AU Merritt vs VNS vetch

    AU Merit Vetch

    Tolerates wet feet and late planting best of the winter annual legumes, but is also the latest maturing of the legumes. AU Merit matures about two weeks earlier than VNS vetch.

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  • Close up of Crimson Clover plant

    Crimson Clover

    Crimson clover is the earliest maturing of the legumes, so it has the best nitrogen-fixing potential for early terminated cover crops.

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  • Keystone

    Keystone Winter Pea

    An exciting new cold tolerant variety with a white flower and tremendous spring growth.

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  • Arrowleaf

    Arrowleaf Clover

    A deep south winter annual clover. Coated at 50%.

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  • Patagonia Hairy Vetch plants

    Patagonia Hairy Vetch

    Bred in Southern Argentina for winter hardiness, early growth and high yields.

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  • Persian


    Highly nutritious, cold tolerant, large nitrogen producer. Ideal for forage, cover crops and wildlife.

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  • Coming Soon


    Fast growing, fast recovery with good palatability and less bloat risk.

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  • Wyo Image


    WyoWinter Pea was developed as an improvement on Austrian Winter pea. It is ideal for forage production, wildlife, feed grain, and for cover cropping.

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  • Coming Soon


    Spring type for fast Fall growth.

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