As a hybrid cross between wheat and cereal rye, this small grain brings together the positive aspects of both. The leafy, high tillering nature of wheat is paired with the greater yield and cold tolerance of cereal rye. Matures between 8-14 days later than cereal rye, keeping that window of quality forage open wider. It is recommended for grazing and baleage, not for dry hay — an excellent base for cover crops or straw potential.
Gainer 154 Triticale
Order NowGainer 154 is an earlier maturing variety. Great for those who need to graze/cut early or quick termination.
Surge Triticale
Order NowAn exciting late maturing, facultative variety that results in faster grazing/harvesting.
Trical 342 Triticale
Order NowAn earlier maturing triticale with excellent grazing that is well adapted throughout the southeastern United States. Medium plant height and good silage quality.
TriCal 1143
Order NowA true awnless triticale best suited to the coastal plain region: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. Great for grazing and wildlife. High silage yield and good silage quality. Excellent disease package.