Texoma MaxQ II Fescue

Released in 2011, Texoma MaxQ II is Pennington’s next generation of non-toxic, novel endophyte-infected tall fescue. It offers higher yields and greater grazing persistence than many older and more recently released varieties of tall fescue, particularly in the South Central areas of the U.S. Extensive research and on-farm experience have shown animals grazing Texoma MaxQ II to have significantly greater gains, higher conception rates, and better overall health than those grazing toxic tall fescue varieties. Proven safe for all classes of horses including pregnant mares.
Planting Instructions
For best result and maximum benefit, all toxic tall fescue and troublesome annual grasses including cheatgrass, rescue grass and unwanted ryegrass should be killed prior to the blooming stage before establishing Texoma MaxQ II. A firm seedbed is important for good stand establishment. Seed can be drilled into a prepared, firm seedbed, no-tilled into killed sod with a no-till drill or surface broadcasted onto a prepared seed bed and packed in with a culti-packer.
Seeding Rate: | 15-25 lbs/A |
Seeding Depth: | 1/4" to 1/2" |
Fertilization: | Lime to a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. Apply phosphorus and potassium according to soil tests. Use 25 - 35 lbs/A starter nitrogen. |