Pensacola Bahiagrass
This variety of bahiagrass greens up earlier than TifQuick, but plays out more quickly in the fall. Yields 10-15% less than TifQuick. Mature bahiagrass can be very unpalatable to livestock, so begin grazing when the plant is younger (6-8") so it is more nutritious and palatable. This is one of the most traffic tolerant forages once established. While bahiagrass can survive with limited nutrients, it does respond positively to fertility.
*Prices exclude shipping and are subject to final confirmation.See shipping information.Planting Instructions
Bahiagrass is very slow to establish in the first year. The earlier you can plant, the better it will establish. Broadcast and culitpack/drag OR drill very shallow.
Seeding rate | 12-15 lbs/ac |
Planting depth (in) | Soil surface to 0.25" |
Target harvest height | 6-8" |
Target residual height for regrowth | 2" |