Persister Prairie Brome

Persister is a problem solver for producers who are in climates with moderate dry seasons or supplemental irrigation. It has impressive disease tolerance, which allows for top-end yield potential. It's improved cold tolerance is unique and greatly increases its potential market area, putting it another foot ahead of the competition for persistence. Persister works well in the Piedmont and further north into the transition zone.
- Short-lived, cool-season perennial grass
- Highly palatable
- Maintains quality in hot months
- Aggressive reseeder for extended life
Planting Instructions
Drill at 0.5” depth. Calibrate your drill to ensure an accurate rate. Broadcasting without incorporation is not recommended due to seed size.
Seeding Rate - Drilled | 25-35 lbs/ac |
Planting Depth | 0.5" |
Target Planting Date | Early to late fall |
- Bowdon, GA | December 2022
"So far we love it. I will know more this time next year when the 30 acres we just planted with it and the Brome has been established. The cows prefer it 10 to 1 over the novel endophyte fescue."