
Gainer 154 Triticale


As a hybrid cross between wheat and cereal rye, this small grain brings together the positive aspects of both. The leafy, high tillering nature of wheat is paired with the greater yield and cold tolerance of cereal rye. Matures between 8-14 days later than cereal rye,  an excellent base for cover crops or straw potential.

  • Triticale establishes quickly and grows through the colder season and degrades more quickly than cereal rye, providing an excellent weed mat as a cover crop with reduced nitrogen tie-up. 
  • Triticale can handle cold conditions, so later planting is not an issue with this small grain. 
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Planting Instructions

Drill at 0.5-0.75” depth. Calibrate your drill to ensure an accurate rate. Broadcasting without incorporation is not recommended due to seed size.

Seeding rate (Cover crop)50-100 lbs/ac
Planting depth (in)0.5-0.75"


  • Cosaque oats triticale peas

    These are pics of my custom fall mixture of Cosaque winter oats, triticale, and austrian winter peas. I am so happy with this mixture! I have grazed it 7-8 times. 

    Jim Smith Pittsboro, NC | April 21, 2020