Crimson Clover

Crimson Clover

Close up of Crimson Clover plant

Reduce your nitrogen fertilizer bill by adding clovers. Timing of planting is critical as clovers need ample time to germinate and establish a root system in the fall before severe frosts hit. Crimson clover matures earlier than other legumes, so it has the highest nitrogen potential for early terminated cover crops.

  • Creates nitrogen to be put back into the soil for the next crop (estimated between 75-100 lbs/A)
  • Plant 4-6 weeks before the first hard frost
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Planting Instructions

Timeliness is critical! Plant 4-6 weeks before the first hard frost. Can be broadcasted or drilled, does not tolerate deep planting. Calibrate your drill or spreader for accurate rates.  

Seeding rate (In a mix)8-10 lbs/A
Seeding rate (Straight stand)25-35 lbs/A
Planting depth (in)0.25"