
KingFisher 519

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A strong alfalfa with fall dormancy of 5. High yield and quality.

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Understanding alfalfa ratings

Fall Dormancy: The ability of alfalfa to grow into the fall. The higher the number, the longer it grows before dormancy. Scale from 1-11.

Winter Hardiness: A measure of alfalfa’s ability to survive harsh winter conditions with minimal damage. The lower the number, the better the survival. Scale from 1-6.

What about mixed grass/alfalfa stands?

For a more balanced feed, consider mixed grass and alfalfa stands. Add grasses while establishing alfalfa or as the stand thins over time. Some great pairs to consider:

  • Late maturing orchardgrass
  • Endophyte free fescue
  • Festulolium
  • Timothy
  • Triticale
  • Teff
  • Bermudagrass