Forage Sorghum
A drought-tolerant substitute for corn silage, forage sorghum requires less nitrogen and overall inputs compared to corn and will have reduced starch content compared to corn silage. Forage sorghum can be taken in soft dough stage as a direct cut or boot stage as a cut and wilt system. Beware of prussic acid conditions and be prepared to manage for the sugarcane aphid late-season.
AF 7401
Order NowA full season dwarf BMR hybrid. Expect 110-115 days to soft dough stage. Best for single cut silage.
Order NowFirst in its class—iGrowth forage sorghum. Heavy leaf and great quality.
SFS 232 DC
Order NowMid maturity dwarf BMR. 90-100 days to soft dough for direct harvest. Replaces Advanta 7232.
KF Fiber Pro 74
Order NowFull season dwarf forage sorghum with superior standability. 110-115 days to soft dough direct harvest. Replaces 7401.
KF Fiber Pro 50
Order NowA short season dwarf hybrid with improved agronomics. 85-89 days to soft dough stage. BMR.
KF Fiber Pro 72
Order NowA medium brachytic dwarf hybrid. 105-110 days to soft dough stage. Replaces 7201.
SFS 4450 DC
Order NowAphidAxe, non BMR with good disease resistance. Replaces ADV 8322.