Heavyweight with AphidAxe

Heavyweight is a dwarf BMR variety. This combines two agronomic characteristics that positively impact quality. The brown mid rib genetics (BMR) reduce total lignin in the plant, increasing digestibility in every bite. The dwarf characteristic does not negatively impact yield, but instead improves leaf to stem ratio which decreases indigestible fiber. These tightened internode spaces also make the dwarf varieties more resilient when it comes to harvest height. All of these exciting advancements in nutrition and plant regrowth are paired with AphidAxe. This is a designation of sugarcane aphid tolerance. While this is not true resistance, it is a measure that proves that this variety is less likely to be impacted by the aphids. Paired with other key management strategies, AphidAxe will help reduce losses to the aphid tremendously.
Planting Instructions
Drill when soil temps reach 65 degrees and rising. Calibrate for best results.
Seeding rate - Grazing | 15-25lbs/A |
Seeding rate - Dry hay or haylage | 35-50lbs/A |
Planting depth (in) | 0.5-0.75” |
Target harvest height | 2-5ft |
Target residual height for regrowth | 8-10” |